Buchhaltung Assistentin

Hamburg, Deutschland
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Industrie: Buchhaltung
Funktionsbereich: Buchführung
Job Art: Vollzeit
Arbeitsschicht: First Shift (Day)
Mindestbildung: Masters
Mindestanforderung: 5 Jahre
Bewerben bis: Apr 26, 2018
Einstellungsdatum: Mar 26, 2018
Karriere-Ebene: Erfahrener Fachmann
Job Schicht: Halbtags
Verfügbare Stellen: 3
Gender-Anforderung: Frau

Assistant accountants aid in the day-to-day operations of an accounting department, typically reporting to a senior accountant or production accountant. Specific daily tasks vary based on whether or not an assistant accountant is hired by an individual accountant or an accounting firm.

When hired by an individual accountant, job duties usually include basic office work such as filing documents, answering phones, and corresponding with clients. Assistant accountants will also assist with basic financial work such as bookkeeping. Assistant accountants who work in large corporations typically work in the accounts payable or payroll departments. They keep track of vendor invoices, including payments received or paid, and many times, they document employee time and pay – sick days, vacations, bonuses, or overtime.

Assistant accountant is typically an entry-level position that may be performed by students who are currently in the process of obtaining a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the field of accounting. Assistant accountants should have prior bookkeeping experience and/or a certification, such as a bachelor’s degree, in accounting. Organization and attention to details are expected from assistant accountants, as they deal with very sensitive financial information.

Kontakt Information
Telefon: +44 786 786 2525
Adresse: Hafenstr. 6 Hamburg, , Hamburg, Deutschland,
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